Electronic identity documents

Different document types
Software solutions for all electronic identity documents

Standardized e-ID documents

Multi-application e-ID cards

Customized e-ID documents
For us, tailor-made also means that customers are enabled to take ownership of their technology project themselves and to build up solution know-how locally for developing the solution further and maintaining it.
Our product highlights
With our ePasslet Suite, almost any electronic ID document can be easily implemented. This modular card application framework is the ideal solution for authorities that issue complex e-ID document portfolios and expect simplicity and flexibility at the same time.
Thanks to ePasslet Suite, any set of functions may be implemented on a single e-ID document, such as identity verification, digital signature, fingerprint verification or payment. ePasslet Suite incorporates Java Card applets for over a dozen applications. Further applications can be developed – either by us or by a customer. This makes the e-ID document future-proof: upcoming requirements can also be easily accounted for, even after documents have been issued.
Through the interaction between the individual applications, application-internal functions can be aggregated and redundant data storage can be thus avoided – this saves the often scarce memory space on e-ID documents. The worldwide unique architecture of ePasslet Suite enables these extensive combination possibilities.
For native smart card operating system projects, our customers and partners can rely on CardOS, supporting different specific applications such as ePassport, eID, eHealth, etc.

Personalize e-ID documents yourself
Furthermore, as we are since many years part of the eID ecosystem, we know how an e-ID document has to be “addressed” in order to be able to correctly personalize it electronically.
For this reasons, we have developed ePasslet Sampler, so that our customers can independently and very easily turn an empty card into a functioning identity document enabled with a customer application profile.
ePasslet can be used to create fully functional prototypes of electronic documents in a test environment and to try them out then immediately. For example, to produce samples for a tender. Or to create a customer-tailored document profile and to test it in the real world. Without much effort and investment, a wide range of variants can be tried out instantly. Some standard and best practice profiles are already included with ePasslet Sample distribution package– they can either be used or adapted according to individual needs and requirements. Sampler encodes the data according to ICAO specifications and other applicable standards and industry best practices. The profiles are written in XML, so no programming knowledge or low-level manual data encoding is required.
If the personalization profile is designed with ePasslet Sampler for integration into a production personalization environment, our Ygraine software for document personalization systems is the best choice.. Ygraine will reuse XML profile created for Sampler to personalize live documents in production environment and thus the personalization profile prepared in the test environment is transferred into the production process one-to-one.