Renault Nissan Alliance

Renault Nissan Alliance

IT Security all arround the automobile

The challenge for Renault Nissan

As a key representative of the automotive industry, Renault has identified a need for secure, trusted digital identities for various use cases in two categories:
– Security outside the vehicle, including network devices and internal or partner users.
– Security inside the vehicle, enabling secure communication between vehicles and the Renault backend.


Our solution for Renault Nissan

In order to serve all the use cases identified by Renault Nisan, we have deployed our PKI solutions from IDnomic. This relates in particular to user certificates on USB tokens for authentication to specific applications and in the dealership network using the Credential Management System to manage the entire lifecycle of certificates and credentials, and to the provision of NAC certificates on Windows devices using IDnomic Proxy for auto-enrollment.
In addition, in the area of on-board security, we implemented Renault vehicle authentication at the back-end level to enable downloading of monitoring information.

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Société Générale

Société Générale

Unser Partner NXP bietet die ePasslet Suite unter dem Namen eDoc Suite im eigenen Produkt-Portfolio an.

The challenge for Société Générale

Société Générale is one of Europe’s leading financial services groups, supporting 25 million customers everyday thanks to its more than 117,000 employees in 66 countries.

Focusing on security of their employees, Societe Generale needed to manage smart cards, used by their employees. Moreover, they were looking for a specific solution for strong authentication implying biometrics for traders.

Our solution for Société Générale

In order to cover Societe Generale’s requirements, we deployed Idnomic CMS to manage more than 50.000 corporate users. Additionally, the “Bioguard” module is in charge of providing biometric authentication solution in order to replace PIN entry to activate the credentials on the smart card.

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IT security all around the automobile

The challenge for Stellantis

Stellantis (formerly PSA Group) is one of the leading European players in the automotive industry, with employees of more than 160 nationalities and represented by industrial companies in more than 30 countries with customers in more than 130 markets.
The company was looking for a PKI suite capable of providing digital identities for its employees as well as for the vehicles it produces. The main objectives were to control access and ensure the confidentiality of information exchange.


Our solution for Stellantis

IDnomic has been the PKI provider for Stellantis (the former PSA Group) since 2006. More than 500,000 certificates are permanently active for internal use by employees.
Every year, about 2,000,000 vehicles are secured with digital certificates from IDnomic.

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SwissSign uses our smartcard middleware for their product SuisseID

The challenge for SwissSign

SwissSign, a leading provider of innovative identity solutions and subsidiary of Swiss Post, uses the Cryptovision Smartcard Middleware SCinterface for its SuisseID product. SuisseID is a smart card that stores the certificates and private keys of its owner. It is accompanied by signature software (SwissSigner) and a solution for secure communication (IncaMail). Easy handling is provided by the SCinterface, which is bundled with the SuisseID software. Thanks to SCinterface, the SwissSign signature cards and tokens can be used on Windows, OS X and Linux computers. No matter whether the user accesses protected websites, digitally signs PDF documents or performs other cryptographic operations, SCinterface always works transparently in the background and thus increases customer satisfaction.


Our solution for SwissSign

SwissSign uses the smartcard middleware SCinterface from cryptovision for its SuisseID product. The easy handling is done via SCinterface, which is bundled with the SuisseID software. Thanks to SCinterface, the SwissSign signature cards and tokens can be used on Windows, OS X and Linux computers. No matter whether the user accesses protected websites, digitally signs PDF documents or performs other cryptographic operations, SCinterface always works transparently in the background and thus increases customer satisfaction.

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Atos uses key roaming with remote/CSP from cryptovision

The challenge for Atos

Atos is a French IT service provider with 120,000 employees. The company operates a trust center that covers the full range of PKI services, from registration and certification to the provision and publication of certificates on directory services. The private keys were originally stored on a smart card, USB stick or soft PSE. In addition, Atos decided to offer PKI customers private key storage on a protected server (key roaming).

Key Roaming is a solution that allows access to a private key from almost anywhere, but does not require any hardware (smart card or USB stick) and thus saves costs. The operation of a key roaming server can be regarded as SaaS (Software as a Service).


Our solution for Atos

Atos decided to use the remote/CSP from cryptovision to realize the key roaming. The remote/CSP is installed on the PC of the PKI user and emulates a smartcard compared to an application program. However, the remote/CSP does not access such a smart card, but a key roaming server. The application therefore does not have to be adapted to key roaming.


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