For the AIB the decision for a PKI product was quickly made

The challenge for AIB

AIB (Allied Irish Banks) is one of Ireland’s largest banks. The Dublin-based financial institution, which is predominantly owned by the Irish State, offers a broad portfolio of financial services to private and corporate clients. Like any bank, AIB has high standards of IT security. In 2016, the company therefore decided to set up a public key infrastructure (PKI) to achieve secure authentication of devices in the corporate network. In addition to protection against hackers and spies, the decision was based on various regulatory requirements.


Our solution for AIB

Since AIB has been using the identity management solution from Micro Focus (formerly Novell) for decades, the decision for a PKI product was made quickly. cryptovision’s PKIntegrated is a PKI solution designed specifically for Micro Focus Identity Management that integrates seamlessly into Micro Focus’s identity management environment and can be operated via its user interface. Since PKIntegrated uses existing Micro Focus Identity Management features for many tasks (e.g. user administration, logging and key recovery), it is a very lean and cost-effective solution. The automatic (and therefore user-friendly) registration of PKI users is also easily possible, since Micro Focus Identity Management supports numerous registration processes from the ground up.

AIB’s PKI is now used not only for device authentication, but also for email encryption. The advantage here is that PKIntegrated can work with both Windows and Linux without any problems.


Die PKI der AIB wird inzwischen nicht nur für die Authentifizierung von Geräten, sondern auch für die E-Mail-Verschlüsselung eingesetzt. Von Vorteil ist hierbei, dass PKIntegrated sowohl mit Windows als auch mit Linux problemlos zusammenarbeitet.


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