European Patent Office

European Patent Office

Online Patent Registration

The Challenge for the European Patent Office

The European Patent Office used a proprietary smart card solution for online patent applications, which led to a vendor lock. This solution should be replaced.

Our Solution for the European Patent Office

The European Patent Office opted for cryptovision SCinterface for the protection of online patent applications. As cryptovision SCinterface is based on open standards, the vendor lock was ended.


Further references from the industry

German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Secure emails for the BMBF

The challenge for the BMBF

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) required a solution for encrypting and signing emails for around 1,500 users. In addition to a high level of security, user-friendliness was a particularly important criterion for this customer. In particular, the selected solution had to enable the smooth use of departmental mailboxes and offer automated key management. Seamless integration into existing infrastructures and processes also played an important role for the customer. Finally, it was a requirement of the customer that classified information could be processed and sent in some departments. At the same time, however, VS requirements are to be dispensed with in other departments.

Our solution for the BMBF

The BMBF opted for the cryptovision GreenShield product as it best met the requirements mentioned. GreenShield is one of the few solutions of its kind to be approved for processing documents up to classification level VS-NfD and is therefore ideally suited to the BMBF’s VS requirements. The digital certificates for VS-compliant communication are provided fully automatically by a sub-CA of the administrative PKI.


Weitere Referenzen aus der Branche

Hessische Zentrale für Datenverarbeitung

Hessische Zentrale für Datenverarbeitung

Secure emails for Hesse

The challenge for the HZD

The Hessische Zentrale für Datenverarbeitung (HZD) has over 1000 IT users who require cryptographically protected emails. The aim is to make e-mail traffic secure throughout the state. Like many other authorities, the HZD operates departmental mailboxes whose operation must not be impaired by the use of cryptography.

Our solution for the HZD

HZD opted for cryptovision GreenShield because GreenShield offers a high level of security and user-friendliness at the same time. It was also ideal for implementing the departmental mailboxes.


Weitere Referenzen aus der Branche

Banco de Espana

Banco de Espana

Banking security at European level

The challenge for Banco de Espana

The Banco de España (BdE) is the central bank of Spain. In addition to its regulatory function at the national level, it is part of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and provides services to the central banks of all 27 European member states.
To enable the proper functioning of the ESCB, it is necessary to ensure the security of communications and transactions between banks and European central services, as well as the trustworthy identification of their operators.


Our solution for Banco de Espana

To cope with the complexity of the public sector and financial industry, we have implemented all major products of the IDnomic PKI suite, which enables BdE to successfully deliver key services at the European level.
The new on-premise PKI is a stable, secure, eIDAS-qualified, scalable and flexible solution that allows BdE to deploy up to 35,000 digital certificates required for the correct delivery of ESCB services.
BdE ensures security and stability for a highly sensitive service with a durable solution that has already proven its level of performance in critical services/infrastructures

Weitere Referenzen aus der Branche

European Commission C-ITS

European Commission C-ITS

Secure and Intelligent Transport Systems

The challenge

Led by the DG Transport, Europe put in place a strategic program for connected vehicles (vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure). Collaborative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS) are meant to make transport safer, more efficient, and more environmentally friendly.

PKI plays an essential role in C-ITS standards and the EU has launched a project for the deployment and operation of an European Root CA for connected vehicles.


Our solution for the European Commission

We deployed IDnomic C-ITS PKI suite to implement the EU root certification authority, including registration authority and authorization authority.

This module is one of the key security elements central to the ITS-C ecosystem. Available to all stakeholders wishing to deploy European ITS-C services, it provides capabilities at both internal and external levels. The system is operated by the JRC (Joint Research Centre) in Ispra, Italy

Weitere Referenzen aus der Branche