Eviden C-ITS PKI is the trusted choice for secure, reliable, and standards-compliant C-ITS solutions across and outside of Europe.

Eviden’s IDnomic C-ITS PKI is a robust solution with a long record in cybersecurity and trust for V2X communications between connected vehicles, smart-road infrastructure, and vulnerable road users. Based on Cloud-native technologies, it is designed to maximize both elasticity and scalability up to millions of vehicles and billions of digital certificates.

IDnomic C-ITS PKI is compliant with the last versions of IEEE and ETSI standards, and with the European Commission policies. With our L0, and certified L1 and L2 platforms, our clients benefit from native interoperability in the EU C-ITS trust domains and their respective ECTL (European Certificate Trust Lists).

Key features and advantages

Certified compliance

Fully audited and certified against ETSI standards and the EU C-ITS Certificate Policy.

Tested interoperability

L2-ready PKI since 2020.

Included in the ECTL of L0 and L1 trust domains for native interoperability with capacity to simultaneously ensure restrictions for specific use cases or vehicles.

Ready to establish bilateral trust agreements when required for specific use cases.

Largest device integration

Integrated with more than 50 C-ITS stations operators and almost all ETSI standards-based station manufacturers

Actively involved as test-case editor and participant in ETSI Plugtests and IEEE Omniair Plugtests

Communication technology agnostic, compatible with ITSG5/DSRC, C-V2X or any other communication protocol

Why choose Eviden for C-ITS security in Europe?

Most advanced service portfolio

Dedicated or shared PKI for each of the following 3 services:

  • Central EU Root CA and Sub-CA, deployed and operated on behalf of the EU Commission, available on L0, L1 and L2
  • PKI for interoperability with Volkswagen Group series vehicles
  • PKI for interoperability but with management of restricted use cases or special permissions (i.e. public transport priority, blue-light vehicles, etc.) on all 3 security levels (L0, L1 and L2)
Operational readiness and proven production deployments
  • Extensively deployed across Europe, showcasing Eviden’s maturity and reliability
  • Reliable performance proven in real-world environments since 2016 with users in more than 12 countries
  • Includes the provision and operation of the EU C-ITS PKI since 2020 and the national French C-ITS production PKI since 2025
Expertise committed to digital trust and security

• Beyond V2X security, IDnomic is an established player in digital trust, secure identities and cryptogaphy, that advises and delivers solutions for the most sensitive industries (government & public sector, finance and banking, energy, telecom, etc.)
• IDnomic C-ITS experts are directly involved in the content edition of the EU central documents (CP, SP and CPOC protocol), of ETSI standards and of the C-Roads platform. They are also members of the EU expert group and CPA

IDnomic C-ITS PKI: Reinforcing security & privacy

Native Interoperability

The PKI ensures seamless interoperability without any additional integration work among all harmonized C-ITS services at national and European level. It facilitates cross-compatibility between complex systems by different operators.

Communication Security

Digital certificates digitally sign every message broadcasted, ensuring the authenticity and integrity of the information exchanged between road infrastructures and road users.

User Privacy Safeguards

The PKI protects road users’ privacy through certificate pseudonymization. This means user data is protected by Pseudonym Certificates, preventing personal information from being tracked or exposed.

Trust Domain Protection

Only authorized stations will be allowed to participate in the communication, shielding the system from unauthorized access or malicious tampering.

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Eviden C-ITS PKI is the trusted choice for secure, reliable, and standards-compliant C-ITS solutions across and outside of Europe.

Eviden IDnomic C-ITS PKI solution

IDnomic C-ITS PKI provides digital certificates for OBUs (On-Board Units) and RSUs (Roadside Units), ensuring secure C-ITS deployments for European stakeholders, including road operators and OEMs.

Our solution adheres to the European CCMS, compliant with the EU reference documents (ETSI and European Commission) and with the guidelines of key organizations such as the C-ROADS platform and the Car-2-Car Communication Consortium.

IDnomic C-ITS PKI is also delivered on the North American market with its IEEE compliant version, and it is already registered within the US V2X Trust Domain.

On a yearly basis, Eviden participates in interoperability tests to verify compliance, interoperability and seamless integration with the widest possible array of C-ITS stations (RSU and OBU).

IDnomic C-ITS PKI is available on all security levels (L0, L1 and L2) with root CA registered in the available European Certificate Trust Lists (ECTL). Thanks to its Cloud native and optimized architecture, the PKI service is designed to adapt to all market needs, from integration works to full scale series vehicles deployments, through mutualized or dedicated CA.

Distinguished by its maturity and reliability, the solution has been operational in real-world C-ITS deployments since 2016. Thus, it was chosen in 2019 by the European Commission’s JRC to provide and operate on its behalf the Central EU C-ITS root CA and PKI. Eviden has also been selected for the French national C-ITS PKI in 2024.It is now used in more than 12 countries.



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