IDnomic CMS

Digital identities on cryptographic tokens are essential for IT Security in a corporate environment.  Efficient and user-friendly solutions for smart cards, USB tokens, PC, tablets, smartphones depend on a powerful and versatile Credential Management System, such as IDnomic CMS.
Managing access to company’s IT systems requires elaborated and secure solutions, as the need increases to enable more and more users in various environments: mobile workers, consultants, partners, regulation bodies, customers, and sometimes even competitors.

When combining user convenience, ergonomics and productivity with robust security, based on trusted identities through electronic certificates, companies often choose secure elements, such as smart cards and secure tokens as trustworthy cryptographic hardwarde.

IDnomic CMS is Credential Management System (CMS) in charge of managing the whole lifecycle of digital identities associated to secure physical devices, often with different form factors.

Its value proposition is based on extensive support for device management on all major smart cards, tokens, hardware security modules (HSM), and a native integration with X.509 v3-compatible Public Key Infrastructure solutions. IDnomic CMS is today a major corporate asset in many European companies.

IDnomic CMS provides several decisive functional advantages, that enable all types of organizations to benefit from flexible, performant, and user-friendly user credential management.

  • Certificate enrollment, creation of application specific containers
  • Pre/Post issuance of Smart Cards and associated secrets: PIN, PUK activation codes
  • Batch enrollment and self-care enrollment: card unlock, PIN change
  • Full personalization: graphical and electrical
  • Self-care Web Portal: enrollment, card unlock, PIN change
  • Modular, open, and highly scalable – accompanies your growth
  • Support for various cryptographic devices – smart cards, usb tokens, virtual smart cards, mobile devices, S/W keystores
  • Fast Return on Investment – reducing projects costs and increasing your operational margin
  • Traceability and audit functions – clear, useful reporting for project efficiency
  • Natively interoperable with most PKI – adapted to interface with existing systems
  • Support of Web Services (SOAP) – seamless integration into your IT system.


IDnomic CMS is designed to simplify global token management and provides a comprehensive and extensible toolset to manage your credentials and maximize integration within your infrastructure.

By combining these tools, it allows the design of complete end-to-end solutions considering both high-security requirements and user-friendliness for increased productivity. A large choice of third-party providers is an essential advantage for avoiding vendor lock-in.

Supported Environments and devices


  • RHEL 7&8, CentOS 7
  • Suse Enterprise 12


  • Internet Explorer 11, Firefox 78 ESR, Chrome 90
Crypto token

  • CardOS
  • Thales (Gemalto, SafeNet)
  • Idemia
  • HID
  • G&D
  • Yubico, …

Virtual Smart Cards:

  • TPM 2.0


  • IDnomic PKI
  • Opentrust PKI
  • Microsoft ADCS


    • Smart Guard: Allows to manage user credentials on smart cards and tokens.
    • Virtual Guard: Allows to manage user credentials on virtual smart cards (Trusted Platform Modules)
    • Mobile Guard: Allows to manage user credentials on mobile devices (smart phones) via MDM solutions.
    • Bio Guard: Allows to integrate the CMS with biometric entry devices (BIO PIN).
IDnomic CMS

Software solution which manages user credentials (electronic certificates) on cryptographic devices. It supports several provisioning workflows, allowing to issue centrally or locally (badge office) smart cards, tokens, or any user centric crypto hardware and to personalize it with user identities. IDnomic CMS can interfaces naturally with IDnomic PKI but can also connect to other PKI products in the market. Focusing on user-friendliness, a lot of different workflow configurations, rights and roles management are supported in an easy-to-use GUI mode.


  • Certificate enrollment, creation of application specific containers
  • Pre/Post issuance of Smart Cards and associated secrets: PIN, PUK activation codes
  • Batch enrollment and self-care enrollment: card unlock, PIN change
  • Full personalization: graphical and electrical
  • Self-care Web Portal: enrollment, card unlock, PIN change

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