Mindshare 2022 video: Two great days in 70 seconds

by | Jun 1, 2022 | Events

Already for the tenth time cryptovision invited to Mindshare. After two years of Corona break, the two-day congress fair was awaited with particular excitement, and those who came to Gelsenkirchen were once again not disappointed.

In four tracks there were top-class presentations to follow, plus keynotes, live hacking, tutorials and panel discussions. In addition to the latest developments on eID, Internet of Things and email encryption, post-quantum cryptography and user-friendly security solutions were also discussed. Of course, cryptovision also provided information about its strategy following the acquisition by Atos, which offers fascinating new opportunities for customers of both companies.

For the first time, cryptovision also presented a Crypto Cave, where a real Enigma as well as other encryption machines could be marveled at. The Crypto Museum in Eindhoven provided these rare exhibits.

And of course the Mindshare wouldn’t be the Mindshare without the great Cryptonite party on the evening of the first conference day. Besides buffet, bar, live music and photo ball, fireworks were not to be missed.In this pleasant atmosphere there was ample opportunity for exchange of ideas and networking, which 450 participants did not miss.

For all those who missed the Mindshare and for all visitors who want to review the two days, cryptovision has published a video. In a good minute it faithfully reproduces the great Mindshare atmosphere:


Mindshare website: https://www.cryptovision.com/en/mindshare-2022/

