Digital Mindshare 2020: Auch als Webinar ein Erfolg

cryptovision bedankt sich bei allen Teilnehmern der Digital Mindshare 2020!

Mit 150 Kunden, Partner und sonstigen Interessierten aus zehn Ländern war die Digital Mindshare ähnlich gut gebucht wie die Präsenzveranstaltungen der letzten Jahre. Lesen Sie hier unseren Bericht dazu.

Trotz des Erfolgs in der Cloud hoffen wir, dass wir Sie nächstes Jahr wieder persönlich in Gelsenkirchen begrüßen dürfen. Bleiben Sie trotz Corona gesund!


Adam Ross

Marco Smeja

Benjamin Drisch

Veronica von Preysing

Um immer auf dem aktuellen Stand zu bleiben und weitere Informationen zu cryptovision, Produkten und der Digital Mindshare zu erhalten, abonnieren Sie bitte unseren Newsletter.



3:00 pm – 3:10 pm
Welcome & Speaker Introduction
3:10 pm – 3:40 pm
Industry Segment Updates

IoT & Industrial

cryptovision has been active in this field for many years. However, in the last 12 months we have reached fundamental milestones, both in development and product roll-outs. In this update we will let you know more.

eID & Document Security

The most international segment we cater to and which remains continuously relevant. New strategic partnerships that have taken place in the last year will have a fundamental impact on the upcoming market approach. Find out what’s new in eID development in this slot.

IT Security

Predominantly national, this segment has seen substantial project success in the last months, mainly due to huge market demand in certified mail and file encryption. Listen in and get insights on how we are approaching this market.

3:40 pm – 4:20 pm
Regional Customer Success Stories

Our customer references are testimony to our products and solutions. We are bringing in our regional team members to present the latest projects:

Latin America



4:20 pm – 4:40 pm
The road ahead

Management Outlook 2021 onwards

We are seeing exciting times ahead of us. Here the management will share with you some of the changes and challenges that are coming up.

Introducing club cv

Our relationships and our partners have always been part the cryptovision DNA. To extend this added value to end customers around the world, we are introducing a program for our network.

4:40 pm – 5:00 pm
Saving the Best for Last & cv Care Package Win

Our regular Mindshare guests know that it is important to stay until the end. The same goes for the Digital Mindshare.
The infamous wrap-up by our Managing Director that no-one will leave empty-handed!