Digital Mindshare 2020: A successful webinar

Digital Mindshare 2020: A successful webinar

Every year, Mindshare is a highlight for cryptovision and the entire industry - with a great conference program and the hottest party of the summer. But this year? Due to Covid-19, many things are different at cryptovision at the moment, and so having Mindshare 2020...

SCinterface: The solution for secure home office

SCinterface: The solution for secure home office

"I'm at the home office right now." As good as everyone has heard that phrase several times over the last few days. No wonder, because in the times of the coronavirus, working from home is as much a part of everyday life for many people as breathing masks and empty...

Mindshare 2020 cancelled due to Corona virus

Mindshare 2020 cancelled due to Corona virus

It is with great regret that we have to announce the cancellation of this year’s Mindshare Conference. In the current situation, due to local restrictions as well as our own assessment, it is not possible to have our annual event in Gelsenkirchen. We very much care...