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Photo of Accurate Technologies Co.

Accurate Technologies Co.

Contact: Alia Mazahreh
Business address 9668 Amman 11191 Jordan Webseite:


ACCU-TECH Solutions Company founded in 1994 in Amman-Jordan as  an IT solution provider and integrator in the versatile market of Auto-ID, delved very soon after in the ID Card and Electronic Payments Technologies, becoming one of the only two solution providers on the market for electronic payments and card technologies.

The vast experience and the diversity of projects and solutions carried out made it possible to expand beyond our market in Jordan, to other regions both in the Gulf and Africa. Our Milestones in Government, Banking and Telecommunication sectors imprinted a lasting image of ACCU-TECH as a reliable partner with whom only high tech and quality products and state-of-the-art solutions are always offered.

Connections Business Directory | Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors 9668 Amman 11191 Jordan