RSA 2020: cryptovision at the world’s largest crypto event

RSA 2020: cryptovision at the world’s largest crypto event

“The program committee was blown away by your Powerpoint slides”, said a member of the organizing team at RSA 2020 to cryptovision’s Klaus Schmeh. As one of very few Germans, Klaus was chosen to give a presentation at the conference part of the event, which represents the world’s largest crypto gathering with over 45,000 attendees. Titled “Understanding and Explaining Post-Quantum Crypto with Cartoons”, the talk introduced the main post-quantum crypto algorithms with every slide showing a cartoon. Over 200 people in the audience proved as blown away by the presentation as the program committee.

cryptovision’s Adam Ross gave a talk, too. At the German-American IT Security Forum, hosted by the German industry association, TeleTrusT, he spoke about “Securing the Internet of Things – Embedded Security Made in Germany”.

Along with their co-worker Lutz Feldhege, Adam and Klaus ran a booth at the German pavilion of the exhibition part of RSA 2020, showcasing cryptovision products such as the smart credential middleware SCinterface and the PKI solution CAmelot. With about 600 booths, RSA once again qualified as the largest crypto exhibition in the world. Cryptovision is proud to have been a part of this great event.

Event website:



ePasslet Suite soon available on Infineon’s SECORA ID

ePasslet Suite soon available on Infineon’s SECORA ID

ePasslet Suite v3 – cryptovision’s Java card framework for electronic ID documents – will be available in 2020 on SECORA™ ID, Infineon’s new Java card operating system. Using ePasslet Suite, users of SECORA™ ID can easily and flexibly implement numerous eID functions. SECORA™ ID is the newest member of Infineon’s established SECORA family. SECORA™ ID is a smart card operating system based on the widely used Java Card standard. It was specifically developed as a platform for electronic ID cards.

SECORA™ ID is being certified according to Common Criteria EAL 6+ and EMVCo. In addition to Infineon’s in-house applet collection, SECORA™ ID also supports the proven ePasslet Suite by cryptovision. This solution considerably expands the functionality of SECORA™ ID by offering about a dozen additional applications. All common eID documents can be implemented this way, with a wide variety of configuration options as well as adaptations to national and project-specific requirements being possible – including electronic identity documents with several applications. The functionality includes the addition of applications on documents already issued. Cryptovision’s managing director Markus Hoffmeister: “We are delighted that Infineon customers can now use our suite on this new platform. The partnership with Infineon is another important milestone on our successful path in the eID market”. With Infineon’s SECORA™ ID as additional platform for ePasslet Suite, cryptovision gains access to another huge market: 70 percent of the worldwide population use identification documents based on Infineon’s security chips. To the Infineon press release