cryptovision GreenShield now with preview module for post-quantum cryptography

cryptovision GreenShield now with preview module for post-quantum cryptography

There is now an innovative extension for the cryptovision GreenShield email encryption software: a preview module for post-quantum cryptography. This enables PQC and composite signatures as well as PQC encryption with the CRYSTALS-Dilithium and CRYSTALS-Kyber algorithms, based on self-signed certificates. Both cryptovision GreenShield Mail and cryptovision GreenShield File support the new functions.

With the new feature, cryptovision GreenShield users can already evaluate post-quantum procedures today. Interested parties can be accompanied by Eviden Digital Identity during an evaluation.

Anyone interested can find out more at Omnisecure from January 22 to 24 in Berlin. A team from Eviden Digital Identity will be on site, so feel free to talk to us, for example during the two presentations we will be giving at this event.

Website for cryptovision GreenShield:


cryptovision ePasslet Suite v4.0 has received Common Criteria (CC) EAL5+ certifications

cryptovision ePasslet Suite v4.0 has received Common Criteria (CC) EAL5+ certifications

Eviden Digital Security is delighted to announce that their Java Card framework cryptovision ePasslet Suite v4.0 – NXP eDoc Suite v4.0 – has received Common Criteria (CC) EAL5+ certifications on NXP’s JCOP4.5 P71 Java Card platform.

Apart from a wide variety of applications and features supported, cryptovision ePasslet Suite v4.0 on JCOP4.5 P71 features biometric match-on-card methods for fingerprint and face verification covered by Common Criteria certification of the product for Secure Signature Creation Devie (SSCD) configurations allowing use of the biometric methods together with PIN in digital signature creation flows.

cryptovision ePasslet Suite provides applets for various eID document applications, including electronic passports, eIDAS-compliant ID and signature cards, international electronic driver’s licenses, electronic health cards (eHIC), custom national eID cards and more.

In addition, ePasslet Suite can be freely customized through various configuration options. It can evolve to support new use cases and applications while retaining Common Criteria (CC) certification of its certified applications, thereby enabling multi-application cards and documents.  It is available in three editions, offering cost-efficient configurations for standard as well as high-end and customized ID document solutions. Samples of the solution are now available on request.

cryptovision ePasslet Suite website:


IDnomic Sign 10.4 released

IDnomic Sign 10.4 released

With IDnomic Sign, Eviden provides a highly secure, high-performance, and flexible electronic signature platform that integrates natively with all components of a trusted infrastructure. The solution addresses the main use cases for electronic signatures: personal signatures, electronic seals, and code signing.

Version 10.4 of IDnomic Sign extends the platform’s functionalities, offering in particular:

  • Implementation of signature workflows, to orchestrate the signing of a document between the various players in a business procedure,
  • A dashboard displaying the signature server’s main operating indicators,
  • Improved, personalized management of signature visuals for PAdES formats.

IDnomic Sign is deployed by a large number of customers in France and abroad, and is used by public authorities, hospitals and companies.

Available as software license or in SaaS mode, IDnomic Sign facilitates online business processes and thus the digital transformation of organizations.

Our experts can help you integrate IDnomic Sign into your information systems and business applications.

Product website:


Cryptovision TSEv2 receives BSI certificate

Cryptovision TSEv2 receives BSI certificate

The new version 2 of Eviden’s cryptovision TSE has been certified by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).

A TSE (Technical Security Equipment) is a security module for cash registers designed to prevent tax fraud. It ensures that every transaction is logged and digitally signed. Since January 1, 2020, every electronic or computerized cash register in Germany must be equipped with a TSE. From 2024, the TSE obligation will also apply to taximeters. The structure and functionality of a TSE are described in the Technical Guideline TR-03153 (Technical Security Device for Electronic Recording Systems) of the BSI.

The cryptovision TSE is an established TSE implementation from Eviden, version 2 of which has now been certified. It enables retail, catering and cab companies to record their transactions in a legally compliant manner in accordance with legal requirements and BSI specifications.

TSE Website:

New GreenShield version receives BSI approval

New GreenShield version receives BSI approval

The current version of the GreenShield security software has received formal approval from the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) for processing classified information up to VS-NfD. It was already known at the beginning of February, at the BSI IT Security Congress, that the new GreenShield version had successfully passed the technical evaluation at the BSI and that only the so-called “co-signing” had to be granted.

GreenShield supports both common standards – S/MIME and OpenPGP – and is characterized by very high user-friendliness, a decisive factor for authorities and the secrecy-conscious economy.  With the current approval, GreenShield follows two previous versions, all of which also have VS-NfD approval.

For the first time, GreenShield receives both an approval with support for various smart cards (TCOS, CardOS, JCOP, etc) and an approval recommendation for use without a smart card. This makes GreenShield the solution of choice for anyone who wants to encrypt at a high level of security and/or replace the Chiasmus encryption program, whose VS-NfD approval expires at the end of June.

GreenShield website:


cryptovision customer Ghana is included in the ICAO public key directory

cryptovision customer Ghana is included in the ICAO public key directory

The African country Ghana has now been accepted into the ICAO Public Key Directory. Ghana has become the 79th nation listed. cryptovision has played a major role in the preparation of this achievement, providing both software solutions and consulting.

Since 2011, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has been operating a database for which each authorized state provides a cryptographic key: the ICAO Public Key Directory (PKD). With the keys in this database, forged electronic identity documents can be easily detected. However, inclusion in the ICAO PKD is subject to strict conditions. In particular, the production and issuance of identity documents in the country concerned must meet high security requirements.

After Ghana fulfilled all these requirements, the ICAO included the country’s key in their PKD in mid-October. cryptovision is especially proud of this, as the Gelsenkirchen-based company has built the cryptographic infrastructure for the Ghanaian identity document (Ghana Card). For instance, the authority issuing digital certificates for the Ghana Card is operated with the cryptovision product CAmelot.

cryptovision’s client in Ghana is a public-private partnership consisting of the residents authority NIA and the Margins Group. Members of these two organizations will attend their first ICAO PKD Board meeting in Amsterdam from October 27-28.

cryptovision has been active in Africa for more than ten years and has carried out numerous projects there in the field of electronic identity documents. The inclusion of Ghana into the ICAO Public Key Directory shows again that cryptovision can build complex cryptographic solutions that meet stringent regulatory requirements.

List of PKD participants:

This text has been corrected. In the original text the term “ePassport” was used when the correct description is “electronic identity document”.