Eviden presents encryption in rail transport at the BSI Congress in Germany

Eviden presents encryption in rail transport at the BSI Congress in Germany

Gunnar Preißler (Eviden Mission Critical Systems) and Klaus Schmeh (Eviden Digital Identity) will be presenting a solution for cryptographically securing communications in the rail sector at this year’s German IT Security Congress. This is a hardware component developed by Eviden in collaboration with Swedish supplier Westermo. The solution comprises a robust network device into which a security module in µSD format is integrated. This module performs the cryptographic functions and stores the keys. The security module can be replaced if necessary, without having to replace the entire component. Crypto-agility is thus assured.

The German IT Security Conference is organized by the Federal Office for Information Technology Security (BSI), and will take place this year on May 7 and 8 as an online event. Several thousand participants are expected. Gunnar Preißler and Klaus Schmeh will present on the first day at 11 a.m., just after the BSI keynote speeches. They are already looking forward to welcoming a large number of interested spectators.

German IT Security Congress website: https://www.bsi.bund.de/DE/Service-Navi/Veranstaltungen


Silicon Trust’s post-quantum seminar: videos and slides now online

Silicon Trust’s post-quantum seminar: videos and slides now online

Over 100 participants attended Silicon Trust’s online seminar “Post Quantum Cryptography – The Impact on Identity” on April 10. The speakers included Klaus Schmeh from Eviden Digital Identity, who spoke about the implementation of post-quantum cryptography on smartcards – an important topic, as current smartcard architectures are not designed for post-quantum crypto processes. Moderator Steve Atkins praised Schmeh’s “unique presentation style” in the announcement and was not disappointed. The long-time Eviden and cryptovision employee offered edutainment at the highest level – with slides in comic design, numerous animations and first-hand information. If you missed the seminar, you can watch the lectures and presentation slides online. The links can be found on the seminar website.

Seminar website: https://silicontrust.org/new-seminar-post-quantum-cryptography-the-impact-on-identity/


Cryptonite 2023: Party and networking above the rooftops of Paris

Cryptonite 2023: Party and networking above the rooftops of Paris

This year’s TRUSTECH congress trade fair in Paris attracted over 6500 participants and 200 exhibitors to the Expo Center at the Porte de Versailles. Eviden Digital Identity was there again. On November 29, Klaus Schmeh gave a highly acclaimed presentation on post-quantum cryptography, and on the evening of the same day, Eviden Digital Identity hosted the famous Cryptonite party. High above the rooftops of Paris, over 120 hand-picked guests enjoyed wine and French specialties against a fascinating backdrop. The following video gives some impressions of this extraordinary event:


Mindshare 2022 video: Two great days in 70 seconds

Mindshare 2022 video: Two great days in 70 seconds

Already for the tenth time cryptovision invited to Mindshare. After two years of Corona break, the two-day congress fair was awaited with particular excitement, and those who came to Gelsenkirchen were once again not disappointed.

In four tracks there were top-class presentations to follow, plus keynotes, live hacking, tutorials and panel discussions. In addition to the latest developments on eID, Internet of Things and email encryption, post-quantum cryptography and user-friendly security solutions were also discussed. Of course, cryptovision also provided information about its strategy following the acquisition by Atos, which offers fascinating new opportunities for customers of both companies.

For the first time, cryptovision also presented a Crypto Cave, where a real Enigma as well as other encryption machines could be marveled at. The Crypto Museum in Eindhoven provided these rare exhibits.

And of course the Mindshare wouldn’t be the Mindshare without the great Cryptonite party on the evening of the first conference day. Besides buffet, bar, live music and photo ball, fireworks were not to be missed.In this pleasant atmosphere there was ample opportunity for exchange of ideas and networking, which 450 participants did not miss.

For all those who missed the Mindshare and for all visitors who want to review the two days, cryptovision has published a video. In a good minute it faithfully reproduces the great Mindshare atmosphere:


Mindshare website: https://www.cryptovision.com/en/mindshare-2022/


Chiasmus replacement with GreenShield attracts great interest

Chiasmus replacement with GreenShield attracts great interest

cryptovision will be represented with two presentations at the renowned BSI congress next week. In both presentations GreenShield, cryptovision’s innovative email and file encryption solution, plays a central role. This is no coincidence, as GreenShield is currently in great demand.

In particular, Greenshield can be used to replace the encryption software Chiasmus, which has been in use for two decades. Its approval for data classified as VS-NfD was originally due to expire at the end of 2021, but the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) has now extended the deadline for the last time by six months.

According to the BSI’s replacement guide, there are only two products approved as Chiasmus successors in the VS-NfD environment – GreenShield is one of them. GreenShield supports S/MIME and PGP, both common standards for email encryption and signing. Both formats can also be used for files. When implementing this feature, the cryptovision developers placed great emphasis on user-friendliness. With success: Encryption or decryption requires – if at all – only a few mouse clicks, whereby the user does not have to deal with the two different standards and does not even have to know that they exist at all. If you want to know more about GreenShield’s sophisticated S/MIME-PGP integration, you can listen to the first of two cryptovision presentations at the BSI Congress on February 1 at 13:40. The speaker for this presentation, entitled “Processing PGP and S/MIME together”, is Dr. Matthias Edelhoff. Participation in the congress is free of charge.

Meanwhile, the introduction of GreenShield with automatic certificate management has started at a federal authority. This project is the topic of the second cryptovision presentation at the BSI Congress, which will also be held on February 1, at 14:05 – directly following the first one. The speaker is Martin Peeckhaus. Title of the presentation: “Email Security in an Environment with and without VS Requirements – A Case Study”.

GreenShield website: https://www.cryptovision.com/en/products/security-applications/greenshield/

Cryptovision presents two lectures at the German IT Security Congress

Cryptovision presents two lectures at the German IT Security Congress

The German IT Security Congress, hosted by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), has been an important industry gathering for decades. The lecture slots are highly coveted and are awarded by a high-ranking committee via anonymous peer reviews.

This year, cryptovision has managed to place two presentations in this top-class program: On February 1 at 13:40 Dr. Matthias Edelhoff will talk about ” Processing PGP and S/MIME together”. This will be directly followed by Martin Peeckhaus at 2:05 p.m. with the topic “E-mail security in an environment with and without VS requirements”. The complete congress program is available on the BSI website.

The event, also known as the “BSI Congress”, used to take place every two years. Due to the ever-increasing importance of this gathering, the BSI has now switched to an annual rotation. Unfortunately, the Corona pandemic prevents this year’s edition from being held in the usual form as a face-to-face event. Instead, participants can expect a virtual congress. Participation is free of charge.

The trade fair accompanying the congress will also be held virtually this year. Cryptovision will again be present with a booth. An overview of the exhibitors will soon be available on the BSI website. We are looking forward to your visit!

Website of the German IT Security Congress