Cryptovision presents ePasslet Suite on Infineon SECORA ID X at SDW Virtual

Cryptovision presents ePasslet Suite on Infineon SECORA ID X at SDW Virtual

At this year’s SDW Virtual, cryptovision presents its ePasslet Suite V3 on SECORA™ ID X, the new Java Card™ platform from Infineon. With the help of ePasslet Suite, users of SECORA™ ID X will be able to put numerous eID functions into practice easily and flexibly. A presentation will be displayed in the SDW Virtual “Technology Showcase” section.

Cryptovision’s ePasslet Suite on SECORA™ ID X provides applets for various eID document applications, including electronic passports, eIDAS-compliant ID and signature cards, international electronic driver’s licenses, electronic health cards (eHIC), custom national eID cards and more. ePasslet Suite V3 also supports ICAO LDS 2.0, an extension of electronic passports with electronic visas and entry and exit stamps.

In addition, ePasslet Suite on SECORA™ ID X can be freely customized through various configuration options. It can evolve to support new use cases and applications while retaining Common Criteria (CC) certification, thereby enabling multi-application cards and documents.

“We are delighted to have reached a further milestone on our path to offer modular, standard-based eID solutions on all major chip platforms. Government customers across the world will benefit from this broadened portfolio,” states cryptovision’s CEO Markus Hoffmeister.

ePasslet Suite on SECORA™ ID X is being certified according to Common Criteria (CC) EAL 5+. It is  available in three editions, offering cost-efficient configurations for standard as well as high-end and customized ID document solutions. Samples of the solution are now available on request.

With Infineon’s SECORA™ ID X as additional platform for ePasslet Suite, cryptovision extends its offering for international eID customers:  Infineon’s expertise is based on more than 200 government ID projects that cover more than 75 percent of the world’s population.

Learn more on the ePasslet Suite website.


Republic of Malta launches electronic identity card

Republic of Malta launches electronic identity card

Another EU country has introduced an electronic identity card for its citizens. After Germany, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Finland, Estonia and several other countries, the Republic of Malta has also been issuing ID documents with a smart card chip since August 2020. The 400,000 citizens of Malta will be equipped with the new document over the next few years, gradually replacing the old ID cards, which will remain valid until the planned expiration date.

The new Maltese ID card is contactless. It complies with European Union requirements and is therefore based on proven data formats. The keys and certificates used are compatible with those used in other countries. Like the electronic passport, which is now in widespread use worldwide, the Maltese identity document also stores biometric features, which means that an ID card can be securely assigned to its owner. In addition to the smartcard chip, the new ID document has various physical security features that make forgery much more difficult. In particular, the name and additional information about the holder are laser-engraved into the document.

In the near future, the Maltese government plans to offer e-government services via the Internet, which citizens can use with the new ID card as identity proof. This requires a card reader on the PC and smart card middleware.

Electronic identity documents are currently experiencing a boom. An electronic ID card is not only more secure, but also and above all enables a multitude of new applications. For example, the issuer can decide to use an electronic identity document for payment, as a health insurance card, for authentication on the Internet, as a driver’s license, as a door key, as a travel document, for digital signing and for age verification – to name just a few examples. In most cases, a secret key is used as a security anchor, which is stored unreadably on the chip and authenticated by a digital certificate.

Electronic ID cards play an important role in making the increasing digitalization secure and reliable. It is therefore to be welcomed that more and more countries are equipping their citizens with such documents.

To learn more about electronic identity card systems, check here.



cryptovision holds strategy workshop in the Uckermark

cryptovision holds strategy workshop in the Uckermark

It is almost a tradition that cryptovision’s managers and a few other employees met for a workshop in the fall of this year to discuss the company’s strategic orientation away from the daily business.

Up to now, these retreats have always taken place on a finca on Mallorca, but due to the Corona crisis, the company management decided to forgo a trip abroad this time. Instead, the choice fell on the idyllically situated village of Fredenwalde in the Uckermark, almost 100 kilometers north of Berlin. The “Gutshof Fredenwalde” there, with its extensive grounds and spacious, Corona-compatible premises, offered just the right environment for five days of fine-tuning the company strategy while enjoying the comforts of life.

Under the direction of the managing directors Markus Hoffmeister and Marco Smeja, the participants divided into different working groups to strategically examine the three business areas of cryptovision, Government-ID, IT-Security and IoT and Industry. The groups developed detailed plans for action in the near future. Of course, in this process, club cv also played a role, which was publicly presented at Digital Mindshare in the spring.

Since cryptovision is currently in a growth phase, the topic of personnel recruitment was also in focus. As a glance at the company’s career page shows, there are currently over a dozen open positions, from Senior Software Engineer to Project Manager Sales. The increasing number of employees naturally makes it necessary to develop new organizational and administrative structures. The participants in Fredenwalde set the course for this. On the basis of a new Wiki structure, cryptovision’s knowledge management is currently being raised to a new level.

As usual at cryptovision, despite all the work, the pleasure was not neglected. A catering company provided the workshop participants with regional specialties from the Uckermark cuisine. In addition, a visit to a distillery was on the program. The icing on the cake was the weather – it was unusually warm for the time of year.


Mike Büskens makes meters with cryptovision

Mike Büskens makes meters with cryptovision

More than 100 kilometers run, 1904 Euros for the Mike macht Meter campaign and lots of fun – that was the result of cryptovision’s company run “Run Crypto Run”, which took place yesterday for the first time.

The company internal event came about after the B2Run, an annual running event with over 3,500 participants, in which cryptovision traditionally participates, was cancelled due to corona. cryptovision took the matter into its own hands.

As partner and participant of the “Run Crypto Run”, cryptovision managing director Markus Hoffmeister was able to win over his long-time friend and ex-football professional Mike Büskens, who won the UEFA Cup with Schalke 04 in 1997. Büskens, who lives in Gelsenkirchen and is still closely associated with the club, initiated the aforementioned Mike macht Meter (“Mike makes meters”) project a few months ago. This project collects money for various social organizations and institutions in Gelsenkirchen – including the homeless aid organization Warm durch die Nacht.

When the starting signal was fired yesterday, Tuesday at 5:30 pm in the Von-Wedelstaedt Park in Gelsenkirchen, 30 employees and friends of cryptovision set off on the optional five or three kilometer route at 31 degrees air temperature. Past the science park and over the nearby Rheinelbe coal dump with the well-known “Stairway to Heaven”, the course finally led back to the starting point, where urgently needed cool drinks were served at the finish.

Of course, a subsequent barbecue party was not to be missed. On this occasion managing director Markus Hoffmeister handed over a cheque to ex-Schalke professional Mike Büskens for his aid project – in the amount of 1904 Euro, which is almost without alternative for Schalker.

Anyone who also wants to make meters themselves and support the Eurofighter aid project can do so at any time. All you have to do is cover one distance continuously and then donate 04 EURO or more per kilometer – via Paypal or bank transfer (mike.macht.meter, DE22422600010116335402). Büskens guarantees that the incoming donations are used to 100 percent to help people. “As part of a constantly growing movement, we want to do good for people in Gelsenkirchen and for our health,” says the former professional footballer. “Everybody join in, join me in the meter!


Cryptovision strengthens management team

Cryptovision strengthens management team

cv cryptovision GmbH, a leading manufacturer of encryption solutions for companies and public authorities, is preparing for the growing demand in the area of identity-based security solutions and is strengthening its management team: Manager Stefan Frenzel took up the position of Senior Vice President Sales on August 1.

After a successful 2019, the forecasts for the coming years are also consistently positive. cryptovision is still on a growth path and strengthens the management team in the course of this development. With the appointment of Stefan Frenzel as Senior Vice President Sales, the company underpins its course to develop solutions for the security of electronic identities. Stefan Frenzel has held numerous operational and strategic management positions in international technology companies, including Cherry GmbH and HID Global. Most recently, he was Head of Sales at the high-tech company Distec GmbH.

Marco Smeja, the former Head of Sales at cv cryptovision, was promoted to second Managing Director and CSO last year and in this position is responsible for other business areas beyond sales, including consulting and legal.

Commenting on the new sales management appointment, Smeja says: “cryptovision is a dynamic and flexible company with an outstanding product portfolio. We are pleased to have won Stefan Frenzel, a manager with valuable experience in the international ID security market. With his support, we will continue to drive the positive development of cryptovision not only in the international segment of electronic ID cards and passports with our portfolio around the ePasslet Suite”.

cryptovision develops, among other things, security solutions that sign and encrypt company data such as e-mails and files. The Gelsenkirchen-based company offers numerous security solutions certified by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), such as the product GreenShield. It allows the processing and transmission of information with the classification level “Classified information – for official use only (VS – NfD)”.