PSA has equipped thousands of employees with Smartcards and SCinterface

The challenge for PSA

PSA is the second largest car manufacturer in Europe. The Paris-based company is known for its Peugeot, Citroën and Opel brands, among others. Like any technology group, PSA has to protect itself against hackers and industrial espionage. The company’s IT department therefore decided to make authentication on the PC more secure for employees in particularly sensitive departments. However, the password safes, which were initially used on a trial basis, did not provide the hoped-for plus in security or the necessary user-friendliness. It was therefore decided to completely abolish passwords and introduce smartcards instead. This also made a smartcard middleware necessary.


Our solution for PSA

PSA has decided to use the smartcard middleware SCinterface from cryptovision. The decisive factor was the high flexibility of this solution: SCinterface supports all important applications, platforms, interfaces and card types. So PSA did not have to fear that certain applications would not work or that interoperability problems would arise if the smartcard provider changed.

In the meantime, PSA has equipped several thousand employees with smartcards – including SCinterface. These are now used not only for authentication on the PC, but also for digital signing of internal documents.

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