Every year, Mindshare is a highlight for cryptovision and the entire industry – with a great conference program and the hottest party of the summer. But this year? Due to Covid-19, many things are different at cryptovision at the moment, and so having Mindshare 2020 as an onsite event was not an option.

However, cryptovision made a virtue of necessity – and invited to a Digital Mindshare, which was held as a webinar. On June 23, 2020, two hours of exciting online presentations were broadcast live from the cryptovision meeting room, which had previously been turned into a television studio.

Under the motto “CryptOlympics”, six speakers presented the strategies and success stories of the company in the style of a sports TV show, including medal ceremonies and winner interviews (with customers and partners). Circuits to Mexico, Rotterdam and Berlin made it clear that this was an international event. It was informative as always, even if the usual networking during the breaks or at the party was missing.

After Marketing Director Veronica von Preysing had introduced the new Club cv, which will be discussed later at this point, each participant had the chance to sign up for a Corona Care Package. This included a backpack, a face mask, a survival bracelet, and a disinfectant spray – all the things you need in these times. The packages are being shipped by mail.

With 150 participants from ten countries, the Digital Mindshare 2020 was as popular as the onsite events of recent years. But despite the enthusiastic feedback, all participants agreed in one point: If at all possible, next year’s Mindshare will be an analog event in Gelsenkirchen again – and not just for the party.

Digital Mindshare website: https://www.cryptovision.com/de/unternehmen/mindshare-2020/