Electronic signature

Electronic signatures as a
basis for digital transformation

Electronic signatures are the basis for digital transformation in public authorities and companies. For example, conventional paper files can be digitally stored thanks to electronic signatures. Switching to a paperless office saves money and office space for the existing filing space and accelerates business processes.

In addition, electronic signatures are an effective security factor in digital communication. They guarantee, for example, that an e-mail really comes from the specified sender and that the attached document has not been manipulated during transmission.

This is important, for example, when concluding contracts. The European “Regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC (Signature Directive)” – or e-IDAS for short – allows cross-border contracts to be concluded online. At least if the electronic signature is e-IDAS-compliant.

The Company ID from cryptovision is a very suitable solution for this. With a smartcard or another hardware token, electronic signatures – e-IDAS compliant – can easily be inserted into documents. The Company ID can be used company-wide in all systems and applications, for example for physical access and secure payment in the canteen.

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